Openshift use case

Shivani Mandloi
3 min readMar 13, 2021


  • Why there is a need for the open shift?

Today, almost all companies use containers for deploying their web app. containerization enables companies to become more agile and scalable to create more efficient applications and services.

we have Kubernetes, a popular open-source container management system, which helps automate application deployment, scaling, and other operations.

but there are a lot more things apart from what Kubernetes automate like creating an image for a specific web application using which Kubernetes will help us with deployment, the company needs to test the image plus every time they have to update Kubernetes if they introduce new versions, also involves continuous integration and continuous deliveries using GitHub and Jenkins.

so, when it comes to greater scale, managing and syncing with all the tools and integrating becomes complex and difficult though Kubernetes enables application developers to leverage capabilities like self-monitoring, process automation, container balancing, storage orchestration, and more.

somethings Kubernetes provide but involve a lot of manual procedure

  • What kind of issues does openshift solve?
  • Kubernetes doesn’t provide built-in authentication or authorization capabilities, so developers must create tokens, certifications, and other authentication procedures manually.
  • Kubernetes lacks a networking solution but lets users employ third-party network plug-ins
  • Kubernetes doesn’t offer container image management features.

there is a need for some program which can manage everything from beginning till the end of launching web application.

Companies require faster deployment, better security, and want to reduce manual work as it consumes a lot of time and is bound to errors, these requirements made them shift to open shift.

Red Hat has seen the OpenShift customer base grow from about 1,000 last year to more than 1,700 now, with strong adoption among Fortune 2000 companies, Gracely says

Openshift is a tool that sorts all these issues and provides effective deployment.

  • What is an Open shift?

OpenShift offers a common platform for development and operations teams to ensure consistency and standardization of application components, eliminate configuration errors, automate deployment and controlled rollout of new capabilities into production, and rollback in the event of a failure. For environments with a high degree of security and regulatory requirements, additional capabilities are provided to enforce policies and role-based access control.

  • Benefits of Openshift
  1. Pod Autoscaling- openshift offers automatic horizontal pod scaling
  2. High availability- OpenShift is architected with a control plane ), persistent storage of REST API objects, and application hosting infrastructure. Each piece of the platform can be configured with multiple redundancies for failover and load-balancing scenarios to eliminate the impact of hardware or infrastructure failure.
  3. Standardized developer workflows
  4. Multiple environment support
  5. Continuous integration and release management
  6. Managing builds and deployment
  7. Stricter security policies- For instance, it is forbidden to run a container as a root. It also offers a secure-by-default option to enhance security
  8. Choice of cloud infrastructure- Openshift provides the choice to run on top of physical, virtual, public, or private cloud.
  9. Out-of-the-box networking solution called Open vSwitch, which comes with three native plug-ins.
  10. Responsive web console- Openshift offers a rich web console developer interface.
  11. Command-line tool set- For developers who prefer to work from the command line, openshift provides a rich set of command-line tools which are scriptable to automated interactions.
  12. Pre-created code repositories that allow you to instantly deploy your favorite application frameworks.
  13. Remote access to application containers- The unique SELinux-based architecture of OpenShift allows users (developers or operations) to remotely execute commands or log in via SSH to individual containers for apps deployed on the platform. The logged-in user will see only their processes, file system, and log files. This gives users the access they need to architect and manage their applications.
  14. IDE integration- OpenShift can be integrated with Eclipse, JBoss Developer Studio, and Visual Studio developers can stay entirely within the IDE that they prefer when working with OpenShift.

Hope you all find it interesting …!!!




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